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Man'nak Yaw

  • Collaboration is
    our pillar for delivering
    quality service.

What drive us


Humanitarian Approach

Our commitment to humanitarian principles is reflected in every service we offer. We believe in making a positive impact on society, especially in healthcare and humanitarian sectors. Our solutions are designed not just for efficiency and innovation, but with a keen sensitivity to the human aspect of each project. Whether it's through health informatics or biometry, our goal is to improve lives, support communities in need, and contribute to global efforts in creating a healthier, more equitable world.

Collaborative Spirit

Collaboration is at the heart of our success. We understand that the challenges in healthcare and humanitarian sectors are complex and multifaceted, requiring a collective effort. By fostering strong partnerships with our clients, stakeholders, and within our own diverse team, we bring together a wealth of knowledge, skills, and perspectives. This collaborative spirit enables us to tackle projects with a holistic approach, ensuring that our solutions are not only effective but also inclusive and well-rounded.


Human and Customer centered - services

Health Informatics

Health Informatics

Our team specializes in leveraging cutting-edge Digital Global Goods to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.

CommCare DHIS2 OpenLMISOpenMRS



Unlock the potential of online education with our comprehensive E-learning services.

Moodle OpenEDX

Data Management

Data Management

Efficient Data Management is the backbone of every successful organization.

AWS MySQL Postgres MongoDB Hadoop



Step into the future of identity verification and security with our Biometry services.


Web development

Web development

Crafting exceptional online experiences is our expertise. Our Web Development services encompass everything from responsive website design to robust web applications.

Drupal React VueJS NextJS

IT Services & Project Management

IT Services & Project Management

Navigate the complex world of IT with our comprehensive IT Services and Project Management solutions.

Prince2 Agile

An enthusiastic workforce

Our Team

Contact US !

  • +221 77 521 31 93
  • Adresse bureau
2 Avenue, Dakar Senegal, BP 206